Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A small victory against big pharma

I've had a headache for the past two weeks. It's likely from stress, but maybe it's a brain tumor. I don't really know.

My supply of generic ibuprofen gave out this afternoon and I got a real gem of a migraine after lunch so I stopped at the world's most inefficient BP on the way home to get some Excedrin (you know, the headache medicine) with the hope that it might stave off the worst of the symptoms. When I got in my car and opened up the little pack that was supposed to contain two pills, I realized I had gotten not two, not three, but four and a half pills! This was nearly as exciting as the time I cracked open an egg with two yolks.

Lest I be foolish enough to think that this was my lucky day, I was reminded why my life sucks when I came home and my phone bill was in the mailbox. Overages again. Damn you AT&T.

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