Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why I'll be wearing purple on October 20, 2010

I am wearing purple today because I believe that ignorance should be confronted, not just ignored. Because it was through the proactive actions of others – both gay and straight – that I was forced to critically examine my own views of people who are different from me. Because I realized that being merely indifferent isn't good enough.

I am wearing purple today because there was a time in my life when a small-town mentality would have prevented me from meeting many of the people who I now most care about. Andy, Jon, Katherine – and so many others – I wouldn't trade the friendships I have with you for the world. Thank you for enriching my life.

It isn't enough to adopt an attitude of “live and let live” when there are so many on the wrong side of issues facing the gay community. Don't allow your own apathy and indifference to contribute to a culture of discrimination that aims to deprive others of the same basic rights – including that of going to school or work in a hate-free environment – that you enjoy.

And finally, though acts of solidarity like this one are a fine start, don't be foolish enough to think that wearing purple or posting a facebook update one day of the year are enough to fight the intolerance that runs amok throughout society. To truly succeed, we must challenge those who vocalize ignorance, advocate for those who don't have a voice, and hold accountable those who should be championing the cause of equality. Don't let your own indifference contribute to the loss of another fellow human.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Out of Alabama

For a few days anyway.

I'm flying to Chicago tomorrow. I can't decide if I'm so excited because I'm seeing family and friends for the first time in over a year or if I'm simply ecstatic not to be in Alabama for a weekend. Either way, I've desperately needed this trip for a while.

The main event of the weekend is a friend's wedding and I'll be wearing an incredible cravat for the occasion. That's quite exciting as well.

Rufus will likely be very unhappy with my absence, but he's going to have to get over it. Fortunately, Ray has volunteered to watch him until I return. Here's a recent photo of the little monster trying on his Halloween costume (he's going as a lobster thanks to Kelley)...